Mysore Sugandhi Chandan Dhoop

Incense Name: Mysore Sugandhi Chandan Dhoop
Manufacturer: Mysore Sugandhi Dhoop Factory Pvt. Ltd.
City: Bombay
Country: India
Description on Package: Highly recommended for all religious ceremonies and social functions in Hindu temples, churches, musjids and agiaries, produces very good fragrance.
Slogan on Package: Export Quality

Type: Dhoop Stick
Scent Family: Wood
Strength: Medium-Strong
Burn Time: 30 minutes
Afterburn Linger: 45 minutes
Smoke: Medium
Good For: Body-oriented rituals, pranks.

Review: I’ve seen this stuff around for years. The price is certainly right, so I’m not sure why I prolonged purchasing a box of Chandan Dhoop until starting these reviews. And what a splendid little box it is, concurrently reminding me of money…and a deck of cards.
Wait, I just opened the first flap. Let’s upgrade this whole experience to that of savoring a fine box of cigars. Now revealed is a bordered photo of a boyish-faced incense king surrounded by the words “Under the Patronage of H.H. the Maharaja of Mysore.” Very serious incense. I’m quite impressed—and am now kicking myself for waiting so long to buy this fancy little box. Chandan Dhoop, translation, Sandalwood Dhoop. I love sandalwood!
I flip up the boy-king flap to reveal a thin layer of cotton majestically draped over the dhoop sticks. Wow! The presentation is so flawless that I don’t even want to be touching this incense let alone burning it.
The cigar aura is reinforced as I pick up a very thick but short dhoop stick. Holding one in my fingers is reminiscent of the last few proud puffs of a stogy. I bring it to my nose for a whiff, and hmm… damn… wasn’t expecting that. It was a perfect experience to that point. But ouch, strike one.

Quite a bit harder to light than a cigar—though after several attempts, I’m in. And oh lordy honeybucket, I want out... What was once perfect is now too damn human. Strike five! Yer out already! I go back to the box for any clue that might have prepared me for the stench now hilariously defiling my apartment. 100% pure, but goddamn! Pure what?
A tiny font on the first flap reads:
“Highly recommended for all religious ceremonies and social functions in Hindu temples, churches, musjids and agiaries.”
Well, out of fairness, this list doesn’t mention anything about apartments. I must be burning this out of context. I owe it to the Mysore Sugandhi Dhoop Factory to visit one of these mentioned locations before lighting up another of their phat stanky dhoops. If it hits me any differently—I promise I’ll update this post.
Would I recommend it? Sure. For only $2.00 you get the prettiest box of incense under the sun. Just don’t burn it in a secular environment.

Review by Incense Nose

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G-Nyce77 said...

Your dislike of this incense must be a matter of taste. I just burnt my first stick, and I love it!!! I love it more than Laxmi Dhoop, made by the same company.

I live in a student apartment, with a very small bedroom. Although I did burn it on my altar, I wasn't praying or doing anything religious at the time. I was taking a shower and getting dressed, which many would consider a daily ritual, though.

I have found, as you suggested, that some incense smells better when burned in different environments, particularly the stronger-smelling ones. For example, a good friend gave me some HEM P*R*E*C*I*O*U*S Chandan sticks. They smelled great when burned in her house. I burned one in the dorm room that I lived in at the time, and they smelled horrible. Then, when I moved to my current apartment, I burned some more, and they smell great here.

MarkostheGnostic said...

I haven't had any for a couple of years but I've used Mysore Sugandhi Chandan Dhoop since 1972. It takes longer to ignite than most, but it produces copious clouds of smoke, which you either enjoy or you do not. However, it does not seem to linger on for days and get stale, and I have rugs and tapestries in the living room where I often burn incense.